This big quilt is made by me and quilters in USA. It is a Round Robin project, and members of our quiltclub and quilters in USA took part in the project, a project with the name "Women stiching the world together".
I have finished and quilted it by hand. After finishing the quilt was sent back to USA, for a big quilt exhibition in Houston, Texas.
Later the quilt was picked to be in a quiltbook, and I sent it back to USA for photography. Now the quilt is only mine and I love to see the lovely work made by the quilters in USA. They are really clever!!
Dette store teppet til høgre i bildet er min skatt, laga av meg og mange quiltedamer i USA.
Teppet er eit Round Robin prosjekt mellom ma. medlemmer frå klubben vår og quiltere i USA. Prosjektet var med i "Women stiching the world together", og då teppet var ferdig montert og quilta av meg vart det sendt til ei stor utstilling i Houston, Texas.
Seinare vart dette teppet også plukka ut til å vere med i ei bok, og det vart sendt tilbake til USA for fotografering.
No er teppet mitt private eige og eg nyt det flotte arbeidet som vart gjort av damene i USA, dei er berre utruleg flinke og nøyaktige i jobben sin!
Med dette teppet er eg med i Bloggers Quilt festival 2009 som starta i dag.
17 kommentarer:
beautiful quilt.
so lovely!!
Love it!
Incredible quilt! Love the way you put all the colors together. And the applique is perfect! Thanks for sharing.
Hei Mariann
Takk for link :-)
Så flott å sjå bilde frå Eidsgata på ein internasjonal quiltfestival. Round Robin-prosjektet dykkar fortener verkeleg å bli vist fram.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my quilt Juliann. I was looking through your blog and saw the eggs. It took me a long time to find that they were painted. Beautiful....I thought they were real. How exciting to have your wonderful quilt in a major quilt show AND in a book. Congradulations!!
Nydelige tepper :) Her er linken til pastell damene du så på min blogg:
Takk for besøket:)
Love the quilt and the story.
It's beautiful! what a fun treasure to have with so many different hands and perspectives :) Congrats on your success with this piece.
LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! Absolutely a wonderful piece
What a well traveled, beautiful quilt!
It's a beautiful quilt and so colorful!
oh, you are sooo lucky to own this beauty! it is awesome!
I'm glad you can enjoy your well-traveled quilt now :-) You did a beautiful job, incorporating all the blocks by different ones into a cohesive piece.
I love your quilt. I also think the photo of it is really wonderful!
What an absolutely beautiful quilt. Great use of color & design. You have really done a fantastic job.
Thank you so much for sharing it.
Lekkert bilde! Fin og orginal måte å vise fram quilten på. Quilten var virkelig lekker, men det vart enno betre med himmelen og tårnet på Åsebøhuset i bakgrunnen :)
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